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Custom reports & consultancy

Custom report production

In planning mode? Want to compile a specific market assessment or infographic for a business case? Like what you see on the DigitalBar platform but need support to distill the most pertinent data and set against other data sources? Our highly experienced Consultancy Team, with decades of Insurance expertise and insights, can take the strain in this area and provide custom analysis and report outputs for you.

Consultancy services available

DigitalBar is an information service provided by digital transformation experts Altus Consulting and customer experience agency Pancentric Digital. The two consultancies have a shared mission to improve digital practice in the insurance sector and to promote customer-led innovation. You can take advantage of this experience. Partner with the consultancies separately or together depending on your requirements.

Get in touch with us today

Complete the form and we will be in touch to organise a call with one of our Consultancy Team.